re-reborn/creative club of são paulo ︎
Things in advertising are changing so quickly that new ideas gets old by the very moment you comeup with them. Remaining constantly fresh in these days of endless revolutions could seem almost impossible, but is mandatory to professionals and students all over the world. In this context, how could a campaing to promote a creativity festival prove, itself, that is a trully challeging task, but not a impossible?
The idea:
Using an exclusive algorithm, we developed mutant posters that could not be seen more than once. Unless you wait 55.156.868.340.943.680.584.000.952.240.776.864.864.296.968.000.496.704.112.424.744.392.864.416.792.304.688.736.280.096.304.784.536.952.376.872.624.376.684.393 years. We're serious.

We made projections all over the city of São Paulo to advertise the campaign.